June 29, 2008

How to be a member of club cp

To be a member you must give me your blogger username email. I wont ever email you back. I promise. You must fill out this quiz and post it in a comment. I will not post the comment. P.S. members, please take the test so I know about these things. Please read through the entire post.

1.Have you ever used a cp trainer? (it does not count if you didnt know that it was bad)
2.Have you ever hacked someone?(It does not count if someone hacked you)
3.Have you ever used someone elses passwords without their permission?
4.Are you a secret agent on club penguin?
5.Are you a tour guide on club penguin?
6.Have you ever been banned? If yes how many times? (If someone hacked you and got you banned, it still counts. But if you got hacked, tell me)
7.Have you ever gotten hacked?
8.Do you play on another interactive game?(For example: webkinz, shining stars, ect.) If yes what is it called?
9.Do you have a website about clubpenguin? If so, what is its URL?
10.Do you like club penguin?
11.What country do you live in? If the answer is the United States of America, what state?
12.How old are you? Exact answer please.
13.How many days old is your penguin?
14.What is your penguins name?
15. Are you a boy or a girl?
16.What Club penguin server do you usually go on? What country is it in?

I want to get to know you a little bit, so here are some more questions.

1.What is your favorite color?
2.What is your favorite animal?
3.Do you have a pet(s)?
4.What is your favorite food?
5.Do you like trying new things?

Now i will answer the entire quiz myself, so you know what i am like.

1.Have you ever used a cp trainer? (it does not count if you didnt know that it was bad) No
2.Have you ever hacked someone?(It does not count if someone hacked you) No
3.Have you ever used someone elses passwords without their permission? No
4.Are you a secret agent on club penguin? Yes
5.Are you a tour guide on club penguin? Yes
6.Have you ever been banned? If yes how many times? (If someone hacked you and got you banned, it still counts. But if you got hacked, tell me) Yes, but it was an accident.
7.Have you ever gotten hacked? I don't know.
8.Do you play on another interactive game?(For example: webkinz, shining stars, ect.) If yes what is it called? Yes webkinz.
9.Do you have a website about clubpenguin? If so, what is its URL? Yes it is
10.Do you like club penguin? YES
11.What country do you live in? If the answer is the United States of America, what state? America, Florida.
12.How old are you? Exact answer please. 10
13.How many days old is your penguin? 386
14.What is your penguins name? Stapi101
15. Are you a boy or a girl? Girl
!6.What Club penguin server do you usually go on? Ice Palace What country is it in? America

1.What is your favorite color? Blue
2.What is your favorite animal? Tiger
3.Do you have a pet(s)? I have 6 birds and a cat
4.What is your favorite food? I like almost everything
5.Do you like trying new things? Yes

June 28, 2008

To Lotto Dude


June 27, 2008

Club Penguin Rockers!

The club penguin rockers band consists of:

Stapi101!A Singer and Lead drummer! (portable and home stage! (homestage:light house or ahaze97s house or my house))

Tutso! Lead violinist! Also a singer!

Ahaze97 and hazelwhat! Singers and guitarists!


And jato9!

June 26, 2008


Hello please comment on my site cuz i hardly ever get comments

New thing

Every month a random penguin from club penguin or a really nice person will be picked to be PENGUIN OF THE MONTH. This month is.................. (drumroll) TUTSO! Congratulations tutso!

Really cool must read for everyone

if you type in "stapi101" on google 2 pages of websites come up! all under MY name!

The club penguin comedies will be every week, not every 2 weeks


Hey everyone, its ahaze97. I am now a member of Club CP! Thank you soooooooooo much fish! (thats what i call stapi101) Everyone my blog is, incase you didn't already know. Oh and call me Hazel


June 25, 2008

Sneak Peek

Sneak peek for the next club penguin comedy

June 24, 2008

Hi Rizeiki!

Hi Rizeiki! Thanks for posting a comment! I will go to your site and check it out. I bet its really good!

New Addition to Club Cp

There is a new addition to club cp! It's called Club Penguin Comedies. It's like a club penguin comic. Every 2 weeks there is a new one. The first one is WEBKINZ INVADE CLUB PENGUIN! Enjoy! Oh and by the way you have to click the picture to see it.


June 23, 2008

New Mission

The new mission is here! Mission #8 Guide to get is coming soon!

New Mission

New missions out! And im stuck! It's really hard

June 22, 2008

New Contest

There is a new contest! But I am not going to reveal the other one so if you only want to do this contest and not the other one, or the other way around. Anyway, This contest is going to be a funny one! Whoever comes up with the funniest conversation wins! For example:

BubblyBobby:Well, my girlfreind broke up with me, and my gold fish died, im in denial, i lost my job, and...........
Stapi101:When someone asks you "Sup?" you're supposed to say "No'in, Sup with you?"
Bubblybobby:Oh. Well back to me. And im broke, and im homeless,and.....................

1.It MUST be your own work
2.It MUST be appropriate
3.It can't be mean
4.It can't make anyone look bad or mean. BUT it can make people look good

Good luck!

Big ten party time changed

The big ten party is now at 12 cp time

Club Penguin Rockers Big Ten Party

Tutso is having a big ten party tomorrow at 2 cp time on the server ice palace. it will start at the light house and then it will move to her house. The famous club penguin rockers band (which i am a part of) will play at the light house. at tutsos house there will be a fashion show. Sounds like fun huh? See you there!

1 answer to contest

it is not the book room above the coffee shop

June 21, 2008

If someone can decode this for me ill give them publicity. I want to know what it says, but im to lazy to do it myself.

Annual Play

I am going to have auditions for the play at the stage. We are going to actually make it happen. If someone has unregistered hypercam 2 can you please tell me so we can film it and put it on youtube? The play will be preformed at my house for privacy. For anybody who dosen't know how to get the script here is how.

For map
1. Go to the stage
2. Open the script
3. Open your map
4. click on a place

For buddies
1. Go to the stage
2. Open the script
3. Open your buddy list
4. Click on the buddy whos house you want to go to
5. Click to go to their house

I will get back to you on the times and dates

Whereto's Welcome Party

Whereto's welcome party will be tuesday june 24. It will be in stapi101's house. We will all meet in the dojo to become friends then go to my house for a private CIRCUS PARTY!!! The Cirque de stapi de clubpenguin has been hired (p.s. auditions will be held to join the circus 1 hour before the party) to do the party. Whereto will get to be part of the circus and do her own act. I will get back to you about the times.

New Contest

The old contests answer was i changed it myself. Easy but hard. You expect the unexpected, but i do the expected, because it's unexpected. Confusing, huh? Well here is the new contest. Where am i? wooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Good Luck!

June 20, 2008

New Puffle!

yulookinatme has been created! here is a picture of him.

Cute huh? :-D

Bad news

I might not be able to attend the welcome party. But i'll get back to you on that

Whereto's Welcome Party

Whereto's welcome party will be tuesday june 24. It will be in stapi101's house. We will all meet in the dojo to become friends then go to my house for a private CIRCUS PARTY!!! The Cirque de stapi de clubpenguin has been hired (p.s. auditions will be held to join the circus 1 hour before the party) to do the party. Whereto will get to be part of the circus and do her own act. I will get back to you about the times.

June 19, 2008

Earthquake on CLUB PENGUIN?

What happened?

Earthquake? Does it have to do with the new mission? Is it herbert the polar bears doing? So many questions, no answers.

Party Delayed

The Party has been delayed until further notice

Party Delayed

Whereto's party has been delayed. It will now be held at 3:30

June 18, 2008


I got a gift and a rose from someone who posted there name as tomas. if tomas is the lotto guy im am going to tear their site apart. if they were not, thanks tomas.

New Puffle

I need name ideas. If you have any ideas post the comments under this post. Right now i have 2 ideas. yulookatme and nvrundrestmtme. I still have to see if the work though.

New Puffle Decided

My new puffle will be green! A new poll will be held to see what name he/she will have!

New Penguin Name Decided

The new penguin for me is whereto01928! A welcome party will be held tomorrow at 12 o'clock Florida time at the dojo.

June 15, 2008


I got another answer, but, unfortunately, it's wrong. Sorry Hazel. But I know you will probably get it soon, since you are a lot smarter than me! :-D

June 14, 2008


Is ANYONe going to enter the contest? i only have one answer, and, im sorry hazel, but its wrong.

ok ok ill add iluvhazel.

To ahaze97

Um, hazel, that's not correct. I changed it after you changed it and THEN something happened.

June 13, 2008

The Speed is back, the internet isn't

I have to use AOL now. The internet is not working. Anyway, here is another thing about the water party.


Go to the lower right corner. Click the hose and drag it. Fun see? :-D

Posting MAY be delayed

The main computer in our house was busted with a couple viruses, so it's reeeeeeeeeally slow, so it will be really hard to post stuff. I'm not that patient with computers since the main one is usually fast, so I probably won't be posting until it gets faster.

Look lotto guy. I don't want you posting anymore comments on my site. I don't like the way you are doing legal lottery cheats. Cheating is not legal in any way. Even if you prove it's lagal, it's still cheating, and cheating is WRONG.

Water Party!!!

Here is the second cool thing about the water party. NEW ROOM!!!!!!

Castle at the dock! same as last year.

At the pool they recreated the crab breaking the glass!

I'll put more later.gtg!

Water Party!!!!

The first free item is at the cove. It is an inflatable yellow ducky. Last year they gave out green ones.

The second free item is at the beach. They are blue shell necklaces.

There's a lot of cool stuff too. Like at the mine there is a really cool slide show about last years water party.

I'll post some more stuff about the water party later.

June 12, 2008

New Stuff

Club Cp just got new games! Eight ball, don't touch button, can't touch me button, and more! Scroll ALL the way down and you'll see!

To Power ball lottery numbers

im a girl

Stapi101, PINK?

How did I get from cool black to hot PINK? Thats my new contest. For the contest just guess how i became hot pink. whoever wins wins publicity.

June 11, 2008


SOOP will be held tomorrow at 2:30 FL time and 11:30 CP time

SOOP time changed AGAIN

It's at 2:30 Florida time or 11:30 CP time. It's still on Wednesday, same rules, just the time is changed.

June 10, 2008


club cp has been updated! New polls, links, and more! even a new video bar! Also, you can now give me presents! go to the bottom of the page and click on "leave a gift". or at least thats what i think it says. then you can pick a gift, or browse for one thats not on the list. pick wrapping paper, leave a message, and you are done! but dont leave ANYTHING bad. Or even Semi bad. otherwise, i am going to find a way to shut down your penguin completely. and believe me, i can do it. i can pull some strings, or i can do it myself. and even if you dont have a penguin, your done for.


I made a BIG MISTAKE. The SOOP is on Wednesday, BUT, its at 4 IN THE AFTER NOON Florida time and 1 Club Penguin time. Here are the rules.

Wednesday June 10
1. We all meet at the dojo 2 cp time 5 florida time
2.I or tutso or ahaze97 or jato9 or even if it has to come to this,JOJO, will pick 3 penguins.
3.I send a postcard to go sled racing a we all race on the 4 penguin run.
4. whoever wins 1st and second place (not counting me) play find 4 against each other.
whoever wins find4 wins the SOOP!

Wednesday June 17 at the dojo at 2 cp time.
2.request to be my friend.
3.come to my house.
5. STAPI SOOP winner announced
6.listen to the famous band the CLUB PENGUIN ROCKERS! the winner of the SOOP gets to dance WITH them. winning speech.

Wednesday June 24
1. We all meet at the dojo 2 cp time 5 florida time
2.I or ahaze97 or jato9 or even if it has to come to this,JOJO, will pick 3 penguins.
3.I send a postcard to go sled racing a we all race on the 4 penguin run.
4. whoever wins 1st and second place (not counting me) play find 4 against each other. Whoever wins find4 wins the SOOP!

Wednesday July 1 at the dojo at 2 cp time.
2.request to be my friend.
3.come to my house.
5. STAPI SOOP winner announced
6.listen to the famous band the CLUB PENGUIN ROCKERS! the winner of the SOOP gets to dance WITH them. winning speech.


If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you can leave me a gift. My birthday is soon, so leave me a gift. Thanks for the gift hazel. See you tomorrow. Yes tomorrow. I can't wait!

June 9, 2008

SOOP canceled

the soop has been canceled. it will now be held every wednesday at 11 in the morning for the next 4 weeks instead.

June 8, 2008

SOOP Delayed

The soop has been delayed one day. that means everything has been moved. that means monday is soop, tuesday is party, wednesday is soop, BUT, FRIDAY is party. Take a day off. to much computer is bad for you

June 7, 2008


the STAPI SOOP is coming! the STAPI SOOP is an event that will go on sunday june 8 through wednesday june eleventh. each day we meet at the dojo 2 cp time and 5 florida time. the STAPI SOOP is the same thing as the tutso triathalon. You HAVE to come on time otherwise you are not in the STAPI SOOP.jojo you better have a penguin by sunday just in case we all can't come. Here is the directions.

1. We all meet at the dojo 2 cp time 5 florida time
2.I or tutso or ahaze97 or jato9 or even if it has to come to this,JOJO, will pick 3 penguins.
3.I send a postcard to go sled racing a we all race on the 4 penguin run.
4. whoever wins 1st and second place (not counting me) play find 4 against each other
5.whoever wins plays against me in hide and seek. if you dont find me within 10 minutes i win. if you do you win.

Monday at the dojo at 2 cp time.
2.request to be my friend.
3.come to my house.
5. STAPI SOOP winner announced
6.listen to the famous band the CLUB PENGUIN ROCKERS! the winner of the SOOP gets to dance WITH them. winning speech.

1. We all meet at the dojo 2 cp time 5 florida time
2.I or ahaze97 or jato9 or even if it has to come to this,JOJO, will pick 3 penguins.
3.I send a postcard to go sled racing a we all race on the 4 penguin run.
4. whoever wins 1st and second place (not counting me) play find 4 against each other
5.whoever wins plays against me in hide and seek. if you dont find me within 10 minutes i win. if you do you win

Wednesday at the dojo at 2 cp time.
2.request to be my friend.
3.come to my house.
5. STAPI SOOP winner announced
6.listen to the famous band the CLUB PENGUIN ROCKERS! the winner of the SOOP gets to dance WITH them. winning speech.